The SPC is comprised of the Associate Medical Director, who serves as the SPC Chair, and three (3) members of the program Faculty. The SPC convenes at least once each semester to review each student’s academic performance and professional conduct, as reported by program faculty, and make decisions on student progression in the program. The SPC also convenes whenever necessary at the discretion of the SPC Chair.
The SPC Chair informs any student required to meet with the SPC at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting via the student’s LMU-issued student email account and provides the date, time, location, and reason(s) for the meeting. Students required to meet with the SPC must appear in person to answer questions and submit any information felt to be relevant to their case. Students may appear via videoconferencing at the discretion of the SPC Chair. If a student who is required to meet with the SPC fails to appear before the SPC, a decision(s) is made in their absence.
All SPC meeting proceedings are confidential and closed to anyone not part of the SPC proceedings. Students and SPC members are not allowed to bring personal items to the SPC meeting, including audio/video recording devices, cell phones, and smartwatches. Meeting minutes are recorded by a program staff member and maintained by the SPC Chair. The SPC members review all documents relevant to the student’s meeting. When the student enters the meeting room, the SPC Chair verifies that the student knows all SPC members present and can explain the reason for the SPC meeting. The student is offered an opportunity to provide testimony relevant to the meeting. SPC members may ask the student questions relevant to the meeting. The student is then asked to leave the meeting room while the SPC members discuss progression and disciplinary action options. A decision(s) is submitted to a vote with a simple majority ruling. The SPC Chair is a non-voting member except in the case of a tie vote. Because this is not a criminal court, the level of proof for a decision shall be “more likely than not” and not the strict criminal law standard of “proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” Once the SPC has reached a decision(s), the student is asked to return to the meeting room, and the SPC Chair explains the decision(s) and relevant instructions/expectations to the student.
The SPC Chair notifies the Program Director of all SPC decisions. Campus Security, the Registrar, the Executive Director of Student Financial Services, and the program’s Admissions and Community Relations Coordinator are notified if a decision(s) results in student dismissal or a delay in graduation. Within three (3) business days following the meeting, the student receives notification of the SPC’s decision(s) and relevant instructions/expectations via the student’s LMU-issued student email account. When the SPC decides to delay progression in the program, including a delay in beginning SCPEs or a delay in graduation, or dismiss a student from the program in the absence of the student, the student is informed of the SPC’s decision in person or via telephone communication by the SPC Chair in addition to receiving email notification as stated above.
The SPC has the authority to make decisions regarding student progression in the Program and disciplinary action(s) based on each student’s academic performance, professional conduct development, and adherence to the Student Code of Conduct policies.
For Professional Conduct Deficits
Any student who is suspected of violating the Student Code of Conduct may be referred to the SPC for a decision(s) on disciplinary action and progression, including dismissal from the Program.
In cases where the SPC does not dismiss the student, the student is placed on Professional Probation and is required to successfully complete remediation of the professional conduct deficit(s) in the following time frame:
Didactic Phase
Prior to beginning the Clinical Phase (this may result in a delay in beginning SCPEs, a delay in graduation, and failure to complete the Program curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation).
Clinical Phase
Prior to beginning the next scheduled SCPE or beginning the Summative Evaluation (this may result in a delay in graduation and failure to complete the Program curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation)
In addition, the SPC may require any of the following for professional conduct deficits:
* Mentoring by faculty
* Use of other Program/LMU resources
* Other (e.g., use of resources external to LMU)
Violations of the Arrest/Criminal Background Check and Drug/Alcohol Screening
If the student does not successfully complete remediation of professional conduct deficit(s), the student will be dismissed from the program. In addition, students referred to the SPC more than once for professional conduct deficits may be dismissed from the program.
Students arrested for alcohol, illicit drug(s), or illegally obtained prescription drug(s) charges are referred to the SPC for immediate This may result in the student being removed from the current SCPE. The SPC may make the decisions listed in the “For Professional Conduct Deficits” section above. This may result in a delay in beginning SCPEs, a delay in graduation, failure to complete the Program curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation, or dismissal from the Program.
Clinical Affiliates reserve the right to refuse and remove any student arrested for an alcohol, illicit drug(s), or illegally obtained prescription drug(s) charge from their Clinical Site(s). This may result in a delay in beginning SCPEs, a delay in graduation, failure to complete the Program curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation, or dismissal from the Program.
Students found guilty of an alcohol, illicit drug(s), or illegally obtained prescription drug(s) charge are immediately dismissed from the Program.
In addition, students arrested for an alcohol, illicit drug(s), or illegally obtained prescription drug(s) charge are expected to seek appropriate medical/behavioral treatment/counseling to determine if future patient safety may be compromised by the student’s actions. The Program may require the student to obtain medical/behavioral treatment/counseling to ensure the Program and the public that patient safety will not be compromised by the student’s actions.
Academic and professional standing within the Program for students arrested for other charges is at the discretion of the Program Director and/or the Administration of the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) and LMU and is based on current policies or precedence. Students found to falsify information about past or current criminal history will be dismissed from the Program.
For Academic Deficits
Didactic Phase – Academic Probation
Any student required to complete remediation is automatically placed on Academic Probation at the time of identification and documentation of the academic deficit. The course grade for the related course may be initially recorded as “IP” (in-progress) until the remediation assessment(s) is completed. The SPC reviews documentation for every student required to complete remediation at the end of each semester. At that time the SPC may recommend any of the following actions/requirements for students who have successfully completed remediation:
* Removal from Academic Probation
* Mentoring by Program faculty
* Use of other Program/LMU resources
* Other (e.g., use of resources external to LMU)
* Progression in the Program
Students who do not successfully complete remediation assessment(s) will be dismissed from the Program.
Didactic Phase – Course Failure
Course grades are calculated after remediation assessments are completed. Failure of any remediation assessment for a course results in failure of that course regardless of the final calculated course score. Any student who fails a Didactic Phase course will be dismissed from the Program.
Clinical Phase – Academic Probation
Any student required to complete remediation is automatically placed on Academic Probation at the time of identification and documentation of the academic deficit. The course grade for the related course may be initially recorded as “IP” (in-progress) until the remediation assessment(s) is completed. The SPC reviews documentation for every student required to complete remediation at the end of each semester. At that time the SPC may recommend any of the following actions/requirements for students who have successfully completed remediation:
* Removal from Academic Probation
* Mentoring by Program faculty
* Use of other Program/LMU resources
* Other (e.g., use of resources external to LMU)
* Progression in the Program
Students who do not successfully complete remediation assessment(s) will be dismissed from the Program.
Clinical Phase – Course Failure
Course grades are calculated after remediation assessments are completed. Failure of any remediation assessment for a course results in failure of that course regardless of the final calculated course score. Any student who fails a Clinical Phase course will be dismissed from the Program.
Didactic Phase Cumulative Examination, Clinical Phase Cumulative Examination, and Summative Evaluation – Remediation
The SPC reviews documentation for every student required to complete a remediation assessment(s) for any component of the Didactic Phase Cumulative Examination, Clinical Phase Cumulative Examination, and Summative Evaluation following completion. At that time, the SPC may recommend any of the following actions/requirements for students who have successfully completed the remediation assessment(s):·
* Removal from Academic Probation
* Mentoring by Program faculty
* Use of other Program/LMU resources
* Other (e.g., use of resources external to LMU)
* Progression in the Program
* Completion of a PANCE review course prior to taking the PANCE
* Independent review of specific content on the PANCE Content Blueprint prior to taking the PANCE
* Progression to Graduation
Students who do not successfully complete Cumulative or Summative Evaluation remediation assessment(s) may be dismissed from the program.
The SPC monitors student progress and compliance with all SPC decisions and may meet with students to determine if the student has met all the SPC requirements for removal from academic/professional probation and progression in the Program. The SPC can remove the student from academic/professional probation and allow the student to progress in the Program. Failure to meet SPC requirement(s), in whole or in part, may result in the following:
* Continued Academic/Professional Probation
* Continued mentoring by Program faculty
* Use of other Program/LMU resources
* Other (e.g., use of resources external to LMU)
* Dismissal from the Program
Definitions of SPC Decisions/Recommendations:
Academic/Professional Probation is defined as demonstration of academic/professional deficits of such a magnitude as to warrant more frequent monitoring by the SPC and/or disciplinary action(s). Academic/Professional Probation may result in a delay in graduation and failure to complete the Program curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation. State licensing and hospital credentialing boards may decline to grant licensure and credentialing to graduates with a history of academic/professional probation while enrolled in a professional training program.
Remediation is defined as the program’s applied process for addressing deficits in a student’s knowledge, skills, and professional conduct such that the correction of deficits is measurable and can be documented. Remediation may result in a delay in beginning SCPEs, a delay in graduation, and failure to complete the program curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation. Failure to successfully complete any remediation assessment will result in dismissal from the program.
Dismissal is defined as an SPC-initiated immediate discontinuation of the student’s enrollment in the Program where the student is not eligible to re-enroll without re-application to the Program. Students dismissed for professional deficits are not eligible to reapply to the Program.
Deceleration is defined as the loss of a student from the entering cohort who remains matriculated in the Program. Deceleration is not offered to students dismissed from the Program by the SPC for academic and/or professional deficits. If a student appeals the SPC’s decision for dismissal and the Appeals Committee determines the SPC should make an alternate recommendation, deceleration may be offered to the student at that time. Deceleration may be offered to students who take a leave of absence (Leave of Absence [LOA]/Withdrawal Policy).
Graduation from the Program does not guarantee successful state licensure or hospital credentialing. State licensing and hospital credentialing boards may require documentation to support the applicant’s written explanation for a delay in graduation and may decline to grant licensure/credentialing to graduates with a history of disciplinary action, including academic/professional probation, while enrolled in a professional training program.